Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Cornus mas in autumn

Usually the leaves of the Cornus mas just fall off in autumn with almost no color change at all. At least my Cornus did it that way. This year it was a bit different. Here a few photos.

Ponavadi jeseni dreni samo odvržejo liste brez kake spremembe v barvi. Vsaj tako je bilo po navadi na mojem drenu. Letos pa je prvič le pokazal nekaj jesenskih barv. Spodaj nekaj slik.

Photo of the tree from this summer.

Slika drevesa, kakršno je bilo letos poleti.

One more photo from before the first styling in 2011 and the last one from 2013.

Še slika pred prvim oblikovanjem pomladi 2011 in spodaj iz 2013.

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